Are you interested in Zwift, but aren't sure of what it takes to use and own a Zwifting rig? Well here we go! What is Zwift There are a number of different indoor training apps available, but Zwift is arguably the most fully featured, and the most popular – reports suggest that over half a million people have signed up for an account by YE 2020. Typical COW Zwifter Winter Zwifties Workouts and ZRL Racing Since 2020 our Winter program has grown. We ride together on Thursday and Saturday mornings (October-April). We have as many up to 20 riders during these workouts. Our Racing teams compete on Tuesdays in all three rounds of ZRL Racing League from September to February. If interested contact Brian Staiger or Colin DuPlantis. What it takes
Recommendations An Apple TV for the "low" end or a low-end desktop gaming computer for the high end. I use my office as my Zwift room. My computer is both my main work computer and my Zwifting rig. I spent $850 on a desktop/monitor combo that does double duty. Here is a bit dated discussion on this topic. Cost Count on around $1,000 for the smart trainer. $1500 at the high-end and $700 at the lower end (which isn't really the low end, but the mid high-end). You likely already have a device like an iPad or laptop. Everything else is pretty cheap. Zwift costs $15 per month. Zwift On-line Resources