Central Oregon Wheelers

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Zwift Interval Training

  • May 06, 2020
  • 4:00 PM
  • Your house


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Zwift - Interval Training
 105 min/Zwift Magic/Stay together Colin DuPlantis   

Daily Goal:  Hard Intervals 

8x2 minutes Power Intervals, 3 minutes rest between intervals

Today's goal is to ride as hard as you can during each interval, with the intention of achieving the highest heart rate and oxygen consumption you can. Your speed and/or power may start dropping at the end of each rep or at the end of the workout but as long as you're working maximally and still achieving high HR's and breathing heavily, the benefits of the workout remain intact.

COWs Discord channel: https://discord.gg/U9qf5P4.


Call or email me with questions... (650) 245-1382 / colin@whiskerfish.com

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