Central Oregon Wheelers

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  • Zwift 45s Sprint Endurance Miles

Zwift 45s Sprint Endurance Miles

  • May 12, 2020
  • 5:30 PM
  • Your house


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Zwift - 45s Sprint Endurance Miles
 60 min/Zwift Magic/Stay together Colin DuPlantis   

Daily Goal:  Endurance Miles 

You've had a few hard days of riding now, so keep the intensity moderate on today's Endurance Miles ride. The goal of today's ride is two-fold. One is to work on the development of your aerobic system (which is why the intensity is moderate) and the other is to wake your legs up from an easier day or two and get prepared for the intervals you'll be doing tomorrow. Whatever you do, don't compromise the energy you have available for the rest of the week's hard riding.

COWs Discord channel: https://discord.gg/U9qf5P4.


Call or email me with questions... (650) 245-1382 / colin@whiskerfish.com

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