Central Oregon Wheelers

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  • Beers, Bikes, and BS @ Silver Moon

Beers, Bikes, and BS @ Silver Moon

  • August 18, 2022
  • 4:30 PM
  • 24 NW Greenwood Ave , Bend


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Beers, Bikes, and BS

Meet at Silver Moon. Silver Moon's back patio has really expanded to a pretty sweet spot!  Come on down and check it out!  Their Food Cart Court is known as The Office.

The title says it all! Ride your cruiser, townie, mountain bike, road bike or powered vehicle. This is a chance to chat with your fellow Wheeler.   Kiss July Good Bye and Hello to those Hot August Nights!  If you get there early save a long table for us.

Note the early time to beat the crowds.  Please if you are not feeling well stay home.

Central Oregon Wheelers is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.

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